Ten o'clock was the time set aside for the most eagerly awaited reunion since the Spice Girls - and what a reunion it was.
Marie and her old group the Sapphires were back on stage together for the first time in 42 years.
They started with a classy arrangement of the old Tina Turner number "I can't stand the Rain" followed by a stompin' rendition of "Mustang Sally" during which Marie was joined on stage by Emma and Joanne - who had been recruited only minutes before as backing singers following a quick rehearsal - IN THE LADIES!!
They finished their short set to enthusiastic applause with the classic "House of the Rising Sun" which left no-one in any doubt as to why Marie has had such a successful career in clubland and beyond.Don't leave it another 42 years before you come back guys.
With such a hard act to follow it was no surprise that Catherine was more than a bit nervous. It was her first time EVER singing with a live backing. She was joined for her first number "Da Do Ron Ron" by our Paula - who never seems nervous about owt - and what a fantastic job they made of it. Then the tempo changed for her solo debut singing "Dream a little dream of me" with the beautifully sensitive backing supplied by the ever versatile Kenny, Colin W, BillyF and Mike.
As the cheers for Catherine died down her place was taken by AlanW. Alan can always be relied upon to choose a great track to perform and his great delivery of the Lovin' Spoonful's Daydream" fitted the bill perfectly.
Mike remained on stage to be joined by Brian Jones Alan Burnigill and Pete Lodge who had the floor rocking again with Alan's vocals on "I fought the Law" followed by a very seasonal choice of "Rudolph" and "Winter Wonderland" by Pete during which the stage was invaded by something which resembled a cross between Rudolph, Santa and Paula - complete with flashing nose, short Santa costume - AND SUSPENDERS!
Pete's face was a picture. He did not know whether to run or jump but, being the trooper he is, continued with the show regardless and soon recovered to rock the house with a couple of Chuck Berry favourites "Promised Land" and "C'est la Vie".
By now it was after 11pm and time to wind up three hours of top class non-stop entertainment. What could be better to end on than Kenny, Paula and AlanW's absolutely brilliant accapella - "After the Goldrush".
There were over 30 performers on stage tonight. Over the eighteen months since we started VSL many of them have become close friends. Heartfelt thanks to them and to the packed audience for their time and enthusiasm. Many thanks also to Tudhoe Victory Club management and staff.Between us we have proved that there is still a demand in clubland for quality entertainment. We are especially pleased that so many young(er) people have taken us to their hearts and entered into the spirit of the Sixties which we try to create.
It is often said these days that there is nowhere where a young performer can learn their craft in front of a live audience with live backing. There is - here at Vintage Sixties Live - and it won't cost them a penny.
See you all next year.