Saturday, 14 June 2008

June 2008 Club Night

The imminent approach of Summer was very evident at the VSL June Club night with the welcome return of the totally mad Carlos (who hails from the Spennymoor district of Espana). He had everyone falling about with laughter at his zany rendition of Phantom of the Opera which had to be seen to be believed. The props alone must have cost 20p.
Big Jim was back and in fine form with Colin "the orchestra" and Don "Fingers" Boot featuring heavily in his new backing group the "Gastric Band".
Kenny, the Spennymoor leg end, was in bouyant mood having just been given the go-ahead by his cardiologist, to continue doing all the things he is not supposed to do.
Brian was back from his cruise and ready to rock in his new stage shirt - which was so bright it should have carried a health warning.

But it was not left to the guys to provide all the glamour.

Our Paula was there looking resplendant in one of the shortest mini skirts I have ever seen and which brought a whole new meaning to the song "Bend me Shake Me". Poor Colin was stood behind her on stage and every time she "bent" he "shook". He didn't know where to look - FIRST.
Alluring Angie was brilliant, as usual, and proved conclusively that it is possible for the Mackems amongst us to get ecstatic at someone wearing black and white (see pics)

It was a big night for Catherine and Sharron, each making their solo VSL debuts with a live band, in addition to providing backing vocals for the other performers. Both looked and sounded absolutely fantastic.

Talking of backing, I have been asked by several of the performers to give a massive thank you to the guys who get very little recognition for their efforts but are there, month after month, providing the support which makes VSL the success it is. I am talking in particular of Bill Fields, Mike Morris, Colin Ibbertson, Mark, Dave, Kevin, Colin Woodland, Brian Luke, Billy Baker and everyone alse who has given their time and skill to supporting our ever growing list of performers. A particular mention is in order for our Malcolm, ace photographer and videographer to the stars (and us), who provides all the video and photographic coverage you see on this site.
Thanks are also due to Sam, the long suffering steward of Tudhoe Victory Club, and his staff, who put up with our antics month after month, and still manage a smile.

To be continued and .... pics to follow